If you are exploring this site, you are probably one of us! You will find all the information you need to pursue your hobbies in total harmony with the environment and with other people.
Our project MOVE is for anyone wishing to take part in activities in the mountains; from beginners to sports enthusiasts, from couples to families with children, from tourists in the Trentino for the first time to people who live here, but need some advice in finding suitable activities or mountain paths.
We hope you will fall in love with the Valsugana and because we are the first to love it, we hope to help you find the best approach and to promote appreciation of the environment and to encourage civil and respectful behaviour for peaceful coexistence among all users. Our surroundings depend on us and it is our responsibility to preserve them for future generations. We are convinced that our project has a positive impact on the territory, improving attractions for tourists and local welfare and creating new job and business opportunities.
Getting ready
Plan your outings: chose your activities or paths and suitable clothing and equipment. Be realistic about your capabilities and the territory you wish to move in or ask a guide or AMM.
Remember that what you are doing may be shared by others: overtake with courtesy and respect, giving way to animals, hikers and cyclists. Slow down where there are crowds, do not take closed paths and be very careful in cases of mud.
Make the most of your free time and be careful!
Walk, run, pedal on paths and trails, go paragliding or take your mountain bike up mountain paths. Love and respect the environment; do your part and take home any waste.

Transport service at high altitudes
Your car will not be necessary today, thanks to the summer transport service organised by the Municipality of Levico Terme to Vetriolo and Panarotta.